Healthy Halloween Candy

Why do we give out candies on Halloween?
Who was the first to think, “By Jove, I have it! How about we have youngsters take on the appearance of little evils, visit the neighborhood, and request sweets in return for not vandalizing their homes”?
Halloween as we know it today is a rather new convention, beginning in the late 1930s and mid-’40s.
But its roots backpedal a lot further.
Two thousand years ago, the Celts, living in what is now the U.K., Ireland, and northern France, praised an occasion known as “Samhain” toward the finish of October.
Samhain denoted the end of the reap and was the season when it was believed that the dead could return. As a major aspect of Samhain, some individuals would dress in spooky outfit, while others would cease nourishment and drink to appease any meandering spirits.
In the long run, Christianity overwhelmed Celtic customs. Though, Christians from the ninth century ahead had rites that were like Samhain.
In the hundreds of years that took after, individuals began taking on the appearance of ghosts and spirits, and set up traps in return for victuals. Known as “mumming,” this practice is believed to be a far-off forerunner to today’s Halloween ritual.
In England, destitute individuals would visit the homes of the affluent by and by. The unwanted guests would pray for the souls of the hosts’ ailing relatives, and in return would receive treats called “soul cakes.” The practice was called “souling”.
In Ireland and Scotland, individuals would dress in dreadful outfit and go from house to house, singing, telling jokes, and offering benediction in return for a treat.
Eventually, the endeavor went to the youth.
Halloween was born.
Children love Halloween
Nowadays, any child realizes that there is a great opportunity with regards to Halloween confection: Peanut Butter Cups and Milky Ways, Smarties, sweets and lollipops of all kinds and butterscotch to finish.
But beware!
Is it healthy to stuff the youth with sugary candies?
If you read my blog regularly, you already know how dangerous high sugar consumption is.
Do we want this for our children?
Of course not.
Healthy Halloween Candy
A great alternative would be offering fruits and nuts to the young invaders.
But chances are that fruits won’t satisfy there quest.
Here is a yummy but healthy alternative (limited edition).
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