Understand Low Glycemic Index with Dr David Heber

Understand Low Glycemic Index with Dr David Heber

Glycemic Index Did you know that Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix has been tested and found to be a low Glycemic Index food? What does Glycemic Index mean and how does this affect you? Understand Glycemic Index with Professor David Heber, Ph.D. You must read also: The LA Shape Diet written by David Heber Check Our YouTube Channel for More Videos Glycemic Index The Glycemic Index was discovered in 1981 and also is the basis…

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Kenya : Herbalife is helping nutrition relief efforts

Kenya : Herbalife is helping nutrition relief efforts

Herbalife has been committed to changing lives since 1980, and recently the global nutrition company began helping nutrition relief efforts in Kenya. During the past few years, Herbalife has provided funding for the production and distribution of millions of micronutrient packets to combat malnutrition in this troubled country in the Horn of Africa. As part of the Global Alliance for Nutrition (GAIN) Future Fortified campaign, the micronutrient packets were distributed in December 2012. After distribution,…

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Why swimming is great for your health

Why swimming is great for your health

Swimming is considered one of the best sports to improve overall health, increase muscle tone and get rid of unwanted pounds once and for all. If you have health issues and want to swim, don*t worry. Many common complaints such as asthma, verrucas and eczema can be handled effectively in the pool, and the health benefits of swimming will always be there. Here is a look at some of the most common health concerns raised…

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Green Tea : The Most Powerful Antioxidant For Your Fitness and Health

Green Tea : The Most Powerful Antioxidant For Your Fitness and Health

An apple a day and a glass of green tea may be the new mantra to keep the doctor away, according to new findings. Now, Scientists have found how certain naturally occurring foods can help protect our health from developing chronic conditions, such as heart disease and cancer. The study, which was published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, outlines the specific benefits found in green tea and apples. For the study, researchers…

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8 Reasons To Up Your Chocolate Intake :-)

8 Reasons To Up Your Chocolate Intake :-)

The idea that chocolate—one of life’s most alluring yet affordable indulgences—may actually be good for our cardiovascular system is like catnip to journalists (and hype-loving headline writers). Who doesn’t want to believe, for instance, that there are “6 Sweet Ways That Chocolate Benefits Your Health”? It sounds so simple and attainable—and lots more fun than exercise or a strict diet. You may even improve your memory while you’re at it. I’m all for enjoying a…

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The foods you should add to your diet now!

The foods you should add to your diet now!

We’re always hearing about the latest ‘superfoods’ – and how they could have a powerful effect on our health and wellbeing. And while the term ‘superfood’ might be thrown around a little too freely sometimes, there are some fruits and seeds that really are a power-house of nutritional value. Here, I reveal which ones are worth adding to your shopping basket today… Sour cherries contain high levels of antioxidants and as a result are anti-inflammatory,…

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More Fish Recipes : You will like Fish :-)

More Fish Recipes : You will like Fish :-)

Thai Fish Grilled in a Banana Leaf – Try This Recipe Today http://eatingthaifood.com 5 days ago Northern Thai fish (tilapia) grilled in a banana leaf, known as aeb pla nin (แอ๊บปลานิล), is incredibly delicious. Here’s the full Thai street food recipe.   What could be better than fillets of fish, coated in spices and herbs, wrapped into a banana leaf package, and grilled over hot charcoal? In this Thai recipe, I’m going to learn, and share…

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You know fish is good for you ! Go for it

You know fish is good for you ! Go for it

You know fish is good for you, but you might not be familiar with the specifics, so let’s go over them. It’s high in protein, calcium, iron, potassium and omega-3s. In a 2013 study published by the American Heart Association omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil were said to improve cardiovascular health, reduce risk of blood clots and lower blood pressure. Not only this, but in order to get these benefits we have to add…

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Beginner’s Guide to Barefoot Running

Beginner’s Guide to Barefoot Running

Hey Let’s Run! … Barfoot Barefoot running, also known as minimalism or natural running, is simply running without shoes or running in thin-soled shoes. Running barefoot is considered to be the natural way of running and some entire cultures still foster this idea such as the Tarahumara in Mexico. Minimalists, or runners who run in minimal shoes or barefoot, argue barefoot running can correct a runner’s form and foster a forefoot strike, which can result…

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Fitness Tips for Beginners [Watch the Videos]

Fitness Tips for Beginners [Watch the Videos]

Great Decision: start your Fitness program now! Fitness Tips for Beginners: We know that daily exercise brings a lot of benefits for our total health, but when people are starting some exercise programs for the first time, it is very essential and important to do all the things right, or risk doing themselves more damage than good. Some people who launch in the special exercise programs that are too intense or begin to exercise with…

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Running Tips: Smart Lessons that [Future] Runners Should Learn

Running Tips: Smart Lessons that [Future] Runners Should Learn

  Start running now: Here are the first lessons to now about running Invest in decent running shoes. You will be spared untold agony if you purchase from a specialty running store (sorry, Sports Authority). They have people who know what they’re doing, not some high school kid earning minimum wage on weekends. And dress nicely—chances are you’ll be videotaped while running so they can check your footstrike. Stretching is [not] optional. Want to start…

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Spinning – The Ultimate Fitness Formula

Spinning – The Ultimate Fitness Formula

All about Spinning: The Ultimate Fitness and Cardio-Training Solution Spinning combines the best elements of exercise: calorie burning, stress relief, weight loss and most of all, fun! Spinners can enjoy a good workout whatever the weather in the comfort of a well-equipped, music-filled studio. If you fancy putting trying a different type of exercise this year, here are just a few reasons why you should hop on a bike and go for a spin. A…

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Glycemic Load : the Difference with Glycemic Index

Glycemic Load : the Difference with Glycemic Index

You may have heard the term Glycemic Index – and if you have, you probably know that the Glycemic Index ranks carbohydrate-containing foods based on their effects on blood sugar.  But in order to really understand the effects of foods on your blood sugar, there’s another term you should get familiar with – Glycemic Load. And the reason is simple. In essence, the Glycemic Index measures a quality in a food.  The Glycemic Index indicates…

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Healthy Eating Tips From Our Experts

Healthy Eating Tips From Our Experts

Make your daily staples as healthy as you can.  Small changes in the foods you buy and eat every day can add up to big rewards. We will help you to adopt some new healthy eating habits: There are different personality types when it comes to grocery shopping.  Some shoppers take the ‘business as usual approach’  – they buy and prepare the same foods week after week.  Others plan all their meals in advance and…

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Easy ways to add more Fish to your diet

Easy ways to add more Fish to your diet

Main Reasons why you must eat more Fish “A moderate amount of seafood is an important component….and has demonstrated health benefits. The seafood industry is in the midst of rapid expansion to meet worldwide demand. The collapse of some fisheries due to overfishing in the past decades has raised concern about the ability to produce a safe and affordable supply. In addition, concern has been raised about the safety and nutrient content of farm-raised versus…

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